The Board has overall responsibility for compliance and ethics, instigating and approving our key policies.

These policies set a standard for all our employees and are central to our approach to being a responsible business. We have monthly health and safety performance reviews, whistleblowing and anti-bribery reports and regular training to ensure the right corporate culture and good governance practices are developed.


ESG Report 2023

Videndum has a clear purpose and strategy, and strongly believes in doing business the right way. These behaviours are well embedded within the organisation and are closely monitored by the Board. Despite the headwinds, throughout 2023, the Company further developed its Group-wide ESG programme, increasingly focusing on the end-to-end supply chain as well as direct operations. To reflect Videndum’s commitment to ESG, our third standalone ESG Report details our 2023 ESG performance, and is available below.

Download 2023 ESG Report


TCFD Report 2023 

Climate change is a complex issue; the negative impact it is having, and will continue to have on all of society, is something that Videndum and our employees continue to work hard to address. To represent our commitment to addressing climate change and improving our position as a sustainable business, we are proud to publish our third Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) Report.

Download 2023 TCFD Report


Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy

We have a policy on anti-bribery and corruption measures. It sets out a zero tolerance approach and a clear commitment to doing business the right way, covering gifts and hospitality, prohibition on facilitation payments and kickbacks and how employees are to raise issues of concern.

Download Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy


Modern Slavery Policy

We support the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and have adopted a slavery and human trafficking statement, setting out our processes to ensure that this issue is not in existence in our operations or supply chain.

Download Modern Slavery Policy



We operate an independent whistleblowing service in conjunction with NAVEX, which enables any employee or third party to confidentially report on any issues around alleged wrongdoing or other Code contraventions. This is supported by a policy on how whistleblowing reports will be investigated and the Board is expressly clear that all reports made in good faith will not result in an employee or third party being subject to recriminations or disciplinary action.

Whistleblowing - Australia

Whistleblowing - China

Whistleblowing - Costa Rica

Whistleblowing - France

Whistleblowing - Germany

Whistleblowing - India

Whistleblowing - Israel

Whistleblowing - Italy

Whistleblowing - Japan

Whistleblowing - New Zealand

Whistleblowing - Singapore

Whistleblowing - Ukraine

Whistleblowing - United Kingdom

Whistleblowing - United States


Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct forms the backbone of our culture and provides clear guidance to our employees on how they are expected to behave towards colleagues, suppliers, customers, shareholders and on our wider responsibility to the communities within which we operate.

Code of Conduct English - January 2024

Code of Conduct Chinese - January 2024

Code of Conduct Dutch - January 2024

Code of Conduct French - January 2024

Code of Conduct German - January 2024

Code of Conduct Italian - January 2024

Code of Conduct Japanese - January 2024

Code of Conduct Latin American Spanish - January 2024


Health and Safety Policy


The health and safety of our people is of utmost importance, and we operate to stringent health and safety standards across all our sites. We have a health and safety policy that sets guidelines for the prevention of accidents and work-related ill health and provides guidance for the adequate control of health and safety risks arising from work-related accidents.

Download Health and Safety Policy



Responsible Sourcing Policy

Our Responsible Sourcing policy was formalised in 2022 to reinforce our commitment of working together with our suppliers towards a long-term, sustainable and successful future for all parties. We recognise that our supply chain activities have a broad impact, with our responsibilities extending beyond our own operations, and into those of our suppliers.

Download Responsible Sourcing Policy


Environmental Policy

Our Environmental policy sets out our commitment to our environmental responsibilities and our recognition of the need to reduce our long-term impact upon the environment. Each business unit within the Group is encouraged to develop the most appropriate measures to reflect their particular operations, but focus on our aim is driven by oversight and ownership at Board level.

Download Environmental Policy


IT Policy and Cyber Security Policy

Given the ever-increasing importance of Information Technology to the Company’s operations and performance, we have an IT policy which sets out standards to be followed across the Group for its employees, contractors and third parties around the use of the Group’s IT systems. It covers issues such as confidentiality of data, GDPR requirements, inappropriate content, security of data including cyber security and reporting processes.

Download Group IT Policy


Diversity Policy

We are committed to encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion among our workforce. Our Diversity policy’s purpose is to provide equality, fairness and respect for all in our employment, ensure we do not unlawfully discriminate because of the Equality Act 2010 protected characteristics, and oppose and avoid all forms of unlawful discrimination.

Download Diversity Policy
