Videndum is a small company with a global footprint and is committed to working responsibly.

We have a coordinated Group-wide approach to ESG which focuses on the material issues that affect the business and its stakeholders.

Videndum engages with stakeholders – including employees, shareholders, customers, supply chain and rating agencies – to develop, deliver and evolve the Group’s ESG strategy according to their needs. Our purpose and core values drive our business decisions and are reflected in our Code of Conduct. 


Our ESG strategy

Our ESG strategy includes clear objectives and targets, prioritising actions that can deliver the greatest impact. It is also designed to contribute positively to the success of the Group, to reduce the impact of the business on the environment, to continue to prioritise the health and safety of employees, and to improve the diversity and inclusivity of Videndum’s workplaces.


Our key focus areas

Videndum has seven responsible business priorities grouped under four specific areas which reflect how the business operates. These priorities are embedded in our day-to-day operations.

In 2023, our key focus areas included energy reduction pathways, enhanced tracking of waste, a significantly increased emphasis on product sustainability, the development of new sustainable products, and the expansion of our supply chain programme. 


ESG frameworks that inform our strategy

Both mandatory and voluntary ESG disclosures were considered in the creation of Videndum’s 2023 ESG strategy, which are outlined below.

  • The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (“ESOS”) is a mandatory energy audit that Videndum must conduct every four years, to assess the energy used by our UK buildings. The energy efficiency measures suggested in the most recent UK site surveys, inform our carbon reduction milestones discussed within our environmental section on page 30 of our ESG Report.
  • The Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (“SECR”) requires Videndum to disclose its energy usage, associated emissions, energy efficiency actions and energy performance implemented by the Companies (Directors’ Report) and Limited Liability Partnerships (Energy and Carbon Report) Regulations 2018. The details of this report can be found on pages 56 and 57 of our 2023 Annual Report.
  • The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) mandated by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) requires UK premium-listed companies to report against the TCFD recommendations on a “comply or explain” basis. Videndum’s climate-related financial disclosures can be found in the Group’s TCFD Report 2023, and on pages 47 to 59 of the 2023 Annual Report.
  • The Carbon Disclosure Project (“CDP”) is an international voluntary disclosure, focusing on environmental impact management. We submitted our 2023 annual CDP Climate Response in July 2023. We will submit our next response in summer 2024.
  • The Global Reporting Initiative (“GRI”) is an international voluntary ESG reporting standards framework, which enables organisations to report on their economic, environmental, social and governance performance. Our 2023 ESG Report outlines Videndum’s 2023 ESG progress and has been reported on in accordance with the GRI guidance.
  • We follow the Greenhouse Gas (“GHG”) Protocol Corporate Standards and Guidance for companies to prepare our annual GHG emissions inventory. We have calculated our GHG inventory for Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions up to 2023. Our GHG inventory is on page 31 of our ESG Report.
  • We intend to align our net zero carbon strategy with the Science-Based Targets Initiative (“SBTi”), demonstrating our commitment to the UK’s Nationally Determined Contribution (“NDC”) 2020 under the Paris Agreement 2015, to limit global warming to 1.5°C. The NDC commits the UK to reducing economy wide GHG by at least 68% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. We will review the feasibility of submitting our emission reduction targets for SBTi validation in 2024. The Group’s net zero roadmap is laid out on page 30 of our ESG Report.

How Videndum manages its ESG performance

At Group level, we set and monitor strategic plans, budgets and forecasts, manage treasury and tax, sustainability, health and safety, and assess risk, including climate change. The team ensures that a robust governance framework, policies and procedures are in place to ensure a strong culture and ethical behaviour, as well as managing acquisitions and disposals, corporate reporting and Investor Relations.

The Board provides oversight and has overall responsibility for the Group’s ESG programme, while the ESG Committee, chaired by the Group CEO and comprising senior executives from across the Group, is responsible for driving ESG performance. ESG Governance has been fully integrated into the Group’s existing processes.

The ESG Committee is mandated to meet the Board’s growing ESG standards and ambitions, lead initiatives across the Group, and ensure compliance with emerging regulations. The ESG Committee meets at least once a quarter, reporting Divisional ESG progress and it updates the Board on Videndum’s ESG performance.

